Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Awesome 'simple' movie : Garden State

Today I saw this movie and had to share with the few people who might take interest in these articles.
I want to recommend this movie to each and everyone who still has a small corner deep in his/her mind that is pure.
I don't want to be a 'big talk' about the movie, but I mean it, this movie is a simple, super sweet, short story of, finding a small piece of reality, of purity, of love in this god for-sicken fake world that has grown all around us.
If you believe that deep down you too have a healthy hatred of the make believe and image painting that goes around in the world, where people are more made up than the biggest brands in the market, please do this one.
This is the kind of movie, which can cheer you up out of anything.
Simply loved it. (BTW Natalie Portman has just become my favorite actress!)

9 out of 10 for this breath of fresh air.

Recommended for anyone who needs a warm hug in a movie.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

An epic art movie : Black Swan

Natalie Portman starrer another classic blockbuster.

Simply magnificent. The movie is just like the orchestra and the symphonies that play around in the background of the movie. It has its notes, its melodies, its desire , the crescendo and it dies out. I watched it cozz of Natalie and boy she has given a god-like performance in this one. She is no doubt one of the best actresses of our times. Thoroughly deserved Oscar for her role and acting.
The movie as we all know is based on the Swan Lake ballet, which goes about the same way for our lead Nina in the movie. She is overtaken by ambition and is unable to control her alter ego.
The theme revolves around the leads uncontrolled desires to be perfect and the way her mind starts playing out on her. Mila Kunis provides the needed raunch and sex appeal as Natalie's character is too
All in all, a great movie, not an entertaining one for Bollywood buffs. but you'll enjoy it if you like great direction and superb acting. Hats off to Natalie Portman and the director Darren Aronofsky.

8.5 stars out of 10 for this piece of art.

Recommended for people who dig artsy stuff and off beat films. This director is the same who made Requiem of a dream, so expect intense scenes which may make you cringe. I am jealous of the way this guy is able to portray the human psyche and its maladies. Simply great!

A big deal horror film from 80's: The Shining

Jack Nicholson starrer thriller which had been a big hit back then and has become some kind of a cult symbol with huge following.
My mandate: quite average. It might be the case that I watched it now, after I have watched so many horror flicks with effects and crisp direction that I am not able to appreciate the subtle direction and over the edge overacting by Nicholson that might have created rage fan following back then.
The setting of the film is perfect for a horror, with a lonely big hotel in a snowbound mountain with a dark past etc. but somehow the director and the writers have not quite exploited the superb setting they had at their disposal. The movie somehow kept me wanting for more. it was like, ok now the thing would happen, now the revelation would be shown, now the character will open up but then you are pushed towards the exit door by a swift climax.
I mean, what happened to the things we had been waiting for? Anyways, lot of bashing done! Lets look at the good stuff, the setting and initial parts are good. The psychic kid acts great. his mom was made for the role. Nicholson (have seen..cuckoo's nest too) is quite capable, but was not used by directors back then. Still became a big star! (Lucky I guess).
To summarise, watch it if you want to know what the fuss is all about as the movie is BIG on fan following. But beware, you too will be left wondering why that is.

5.5 stars out of 10 for this average thriller.

Recommended for people who believe more in 'blending in' with the others and only so appreciate things which 'people' like. (ex. Shawshank, HIMYM etc.) (Remember the days when you used to collect worthless things that were given free with FMCG products, ONLY because your friends collected them and you felt COOL about it? Well, you have grown up now. Stop doing the same and stand out on your own opinions.) (Gyan pravachan :P)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A riveting drama about some uncovered secrets: JFK

I saw a decent rating for the movie on imdb and decided to watch it. And was surprised to see a hard hitting, crisp drama about one of biggest controversy of the modern world. I must say, I envy the content and the amount of freedom that Hollywood movies have to those in movies made in India.
Freedom of speech is what those guys over there really have.

Anyways, the movie is a worthy watch. It keeps you glued to itself as it slowly uncovers the never before known secrets that lie beneath the surface, relating to the President's death. Kevin Costner gives a memorable performance.
The direction and editing are great. Sometimes the screenplay goes off the balance, but it recovers in no time.
A definite recommendation for history and mystery (:P) buffs. Also for people who believe in freedom of speech and the truth. Disclaimer: The original ghastly footage has been shown in the movie. The movie makes serious in-roads into the existing, stated explanation of the JFK case and bares a lot of skeletons that once hid in American government cupboards.
7.5 stars out of 10.

Stellar performances, still average movie: Closer

Superb star cast for a messed up love-hate movie.
Watch this movie only to see superb performances by Natalie Portman, Julia Roberts and Clive Owen.

It sails smoothly for the first half and then suddenly slips on a banana skin and lands flats on its arse (English accent is boring in it :P).
Its starts like a mature piece of art about relationships. Then suddenly I guess the director went nuts and missed the plot completely, ending the movie in a half baked, immature, foolish kind of climax and end.
I din't like it much, but had real fun watching a truly mesmerizing performance of Natalie Portman. She and Clive Owen put up a great show!

5 1/2 stars out of 10

Still recommended to people who think Twilight series is about love and romance. :P

Saturday, July 2, 2011

A decent foreign film: The girl with the Dragon Tattoo

A murder mystery in Swedish, which is soon to be made into an English movie with Daniel Craig in it.
An idealistic journalist and a hacker team up to unravel the mystery that has been surrounding the strange disappearance of an old billionaire's niece since 40 years. The movie encircles around the main character's lives' stories and the mystery at hand. The hacker girl (with the dragon tattoo) has had a victim's life. Her past and present conditions shown are quite disturbing (not suitable for young viewers).
The billionaire's family, his estate and the mystery surrounding the girl have been shown quite nicely, flavored with eerie Swedish country side, cold relatives and gruesome murders that had been happening in the area. The plot created goes down quite well.
The direction is good. Could have been better. The story picks off and goes well in between, but ends a bit flat. Various possibilities have been added to keep the viewer interested. Acting is ok too.
Recommended for the people who want to find out what the fuss is about the book that's being called a bestseller. Was planning to read it till I had seen half of the movie. Now, not so much. :P
All in all, a decent watch when you don't have a movie that you know is definitely better.
P.S. if the book has the same story, I don't recommend buying it. You have already read something better. :)

6.5 stars out of 10. Don't feel like giving more. :P

Friday, July 1, 2011

An intense movie: Requiem for a Dream

Drugs and addictions. And their extremities.
OMG! This might easily be one of the most intense movie ever made. The story is about four individuals, four normal, average people with desires, aspirations and dreams. But these individuals have one thing in common. They are all addicts. For different reasons, for different ends. The movie takes you through their lives as they get swept deeper and deeper into their drugged maladies. A lonely widow aspiring to be an identity in a worthless life, her dreaming son who wants to make it big, his girlfriend who wants to have an independent life of her own and their friend who misses his family and a normal life.
This story takes you to the very tragic and terrifying ends which their fantasies and helplessness takes them. This movie is perfect for a person who is trying to come out of an addiction as it shows all the wrong things in all the right ways.
The director has made a masterpiece and has used 'shock and awe' in all its negative splendour to show the worst that can come to people indulging in drugs. The screenplay is simply great. The crisp, precise yet thoroughly effective scenes work wonders.
The actors all have put in superb performances. Special mention to the acting of Ellen Burstyn and Jennifer Connelley.
Please watch and make everyone watch this movie. And the world would one day be free of drugs. :P
Recommended to one and all. (Not for weak hearted, as some scenes are pretty intense. Although no graphic scenes.) Please do not expect to get entertained. But do expect to experince a great work of art.

8.5 out of 10 for this hard hitter.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A great movie: Big Fish

Ewan McGregor starrer tale of a man's undying spirit.
The film is about a dying father and his son's wish of knowing him completely before it. It is about the strange relationship that every son shares with his father, the relation of being a role model, a person one looks up to. In this offbeat fantasy tale, the nuances are pretty loud, but one has to look underneath the colorful facade, where the director has shrewdly hidden the message he wants to put forth. It started as a drab, gaudy and even a childish movie but ended handsomely into a poem that touches so many facets of a man's undying spirit, his glories and the way he wants to convey them all to most importantly his son. It is the dream of every father to be known completely by his son so that he may know, that his father was something. Too many thoughts to be put here. See the movie and try to understand the various little messages symbolically hidden in the small gestures, smiles, words and depictions in the movie.
Definitely recommended for the people who have the will to go between and beyond the lines to decipher a wonderful message that conveys the relation a father shares with his son. The message that touches and links the son's life to that of his fathers legacy.
9 stars out of 10 for this unexpectedly great movie.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A decent Movie: Marley and Me

Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston starrer 'Pet' movie.
The movie tells the story of both their lives since the dog became a member of their family.
This movie is apt for watching, on a sunday with the family. It is a simple, sweet little flick which would be enjoyed by anyone and everyone in the clan.
Owen Wilson gives another good performance. Aniston should not have done anything after Friends. The dog's too cute as they all are.
In short a cute little tale focusing on a superb relationship that can only be between a dog and his masters. And that one should never underestimate the role that a pet plays in a family.
Recommended for all pet lovers and guys who want to impress their GFs with a 'cute' movie. Also for all the other people who enjoy a simple, touching story and are not 'embarrassed' to tell about an odd tear that might swell up. :P

A decent 7 stars out of 10 for this pooch tale(tail :P).

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Above average foreign (for Hollywood) film : Let the right one in

A Swedish film about a lonely 12 year old who befriends a girl which moves in next door, but wait, she's not a girl, she's a vampire!
This is a morbid yet sweetly romantic (as if those words could come in one sentence!) film about friendship and sacrifice. It is about being a friend in need. Although, the direction is quite mediocre, the child 'vampire', Lina Leandersson gives a memorable performance. The other thing that stands out is the depiction of her character that appeals to your empathy. In short, this is a vampire movie, that's not horror and is quite sweet. Way better than the 'Twilight' cr*p being thrown around.
Recommended for people who don't mind off-beat (read parallel) films. Not recommended for 'bollywood' and 'twilight' types. :P

6.5 to 7 stars out of 10.

A decent Movie : The Motorcycle Diaries

A semi-biographical travel adventure film that introduces the person who has become the greatest cult symbol for youngsters.
The movie tells you how Che Guevara became the person you know. It depicts the travels he went on to discover South America and in the process got connected to the people and their lives. These were the things which brought about a change in him and made him 'Che'.
You will see how this movie is definitely in Ashutosh Gowariker's mind when he made Swades. I don't say that its a remake or anything, but one can easily find similar treatment, camera work and effects to portray an individual's changing perspectives on life and lives of others, lives of people he never even knew existed.
The acting and direction are decent enough. Editing could have been better. Screenplay is average. Nevertheless, the movie is worth a watch definitely. It will definitely make you think. Your guide to a socialistic ideology and the things its based on.

A decent 7.5 on 10 for this non-english travelogue.

Recommended to people who want to know whose picture they were on their t-shirts and to people who like lumps in throat knid of moments in the movies. :P

A great movie: Memento

First and foremost, I would like to convey my deep felt disgust towards Indian film makers who copy Hollywood. If you copy, atleast copy them right and remake the films as they are, instead of putting your own pathetic touches and ruining the masterpieces. Its like a toddler trying to copy something like a Mona Lisa and still believing that he did it with his crayons!
Anyways, coming to the movie, a real masterpiece by the well known director of masterpieces. Christopher Nolan has given superb direction to this film. The editing, screenplay and acting are really good.
Guy Pearce and Carrie Ann Moss give impressive performances.
No, believe me, you don't need to know about the story of the movie. Just know that the protagonist suffers from a short term memory loss. (Something we all remember :P) That's it, keep your big tub of popcorn ready and enjoy the movie. I am sure, you will like it a ton.
Recommended to all movie lovers who feel they are intelligent enough to follow a complex and intelligent plot.

9 stars out of 10 for this psychological mystery thriller.

P.S. Please never ever refer Ghajni in the same sentence as this movie's. Watch Momento and you'll know why I say that.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

An average movie : 127 hours.

A guy goes into godforsaken place. Gets stuck in a hole, bores us for more than 127 hours on a amateur cam, cuts his arm and comes back. Nothing inspirational, nothing triumphant or mentionable about this movie. The character creation and depth is unimpressive. The movie gives you nothing, ROI is nearly zero.
Danny Boyle (guy who made Slumdog M something) can't make any great movie after all. (we have two examples here itself!) James Franco was doing great but somehow lost his chance of becoming a star after this movie. He was ok in the movie btw.
Anyways to wrap up. Please go and watch 'Into the Wild' instead of 127 hours coz that movie gives everything this movie promises (and much more, its awesome!).
4/10 for this avoidable flick.

Masterpiece Movie: Scent Of a Woman

A magnificent personality drama starring Al Pacino.

Don't mind me when I say that Al Pacino is quite an over-rated actor. But nevertheless, the role that he has done in this movie justifies people who over-rate him. I have seen many of his movies, but the stellar performance that he has given in this movie is truly thoroughly deserving of the Oscar that he received for it. A blind man's untold story. How two strangers with starkly different persona meet, relate and symbiotically learn about life has been depicted. The movie is a real piece of art and has to be seen to understand its greatness. The importance of a man's character, his personality, his past and his experiences for his life's returns are portrayed in here.

A must watch for everyone. I suppose I could not think of any 'type' of person who would not like this one. It has the power to make you think and to give you hope. A great inspiration and definitely a great movie.

10 on 10 for this! See it soon if haven't already.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Masterpiece movie: Fight Club

Sociological cult satire starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton.

One of my all time favorites. Fight club is not about fighting at all. It is a masterpiece of a movie which raises questions. About the society, the way of life and to what end is the mankind racing to. It is one of the most thought provoking movie ever made.

The USP of the movie might be the sarcastic, parodical way in which the movie probes into the psyche of the people. It is a fantastically entertaining movie which brings to the fore a parallel approach to the way of life. Behold, a cult is formed in this movie and I bet, u'll be a member after you are through with watching it.

Superb performance by Pitt n Norton. Great direction. A must watch.

Hail the Tyler, in each one of us.

10/10 stars for me. A real masterpiece.

Blasphemy! Sacrilege! i know these might be the words people might use after reading this review.
But this is my page and my opinions. So u can say whatever u like, the following is what I feel.

Average Movie: The Shawshank Redemption

Prison Drama starring Morgan Freeman

Guy kills people, goes to jail, spends time there and escapes. Morgan Freeman (though I feel is overrated most of the times) gives a decent performance. The relationship formed between the protagonist and Freeman is the primary focus of the movie. The guy had to escape guys! Anyways, one suggestion , if you have seen Prison Break do not attempt to watch this one, u wont be able to complete it. :P
Recommended for people who are die hard followers of IMDB and believe this movie could be the number one!

5.5 to 6/10 stars for me. Can easily evade this movie for something better. Coz mind u there are lots better than this one.

Good movie: Road to Perdition

7/10 STARS

Underworld drama starring Tom Hanks.

This movie primarily focuses on a great relationship between a father (Hanks) and his son that takes place on a road-trip taken to salvage their pride. Tom Hanks and the kid (u don't need to know the name, I don't remember it now too :P) give great performances. The screenplay, background score and direction are good.

Recommended for people who like Hollywood movies in general. You won't regret it.