Saturday, June 25, 2011

A great movie: Memento

First and foremost, I would like to convey my deep felt disgust towards Indian film makers who copy Hollywood. If you copy, atleast copy them right and remake the films as they are, instead of putting your own pathetic touches and ruining the masterpieces. Its like a toddler trying to copy something like a Mona Lisa and still believing that he did it with his crayons!
Anyways, coming to the movie, a real masterpiece by the well known director of masterpieces. Christopher Nolan has given superb direction to this film. The editing, screenplay and acting are really good.
Guy Pearce and Carrie Ann Moss give impressive performances.
No, believe me, you don't need to know about the story of the movie. Just know that the protagonist suffers from a short term memory loss. (Something we all remember :P) That's it, keep your big tub of popcorn ready and enjoy the movie. I am sure, you will like it a ton.
Recommended to all movie lovers who feel they are intelligent enough to follow a complex and intelligent plot.

9 stars out of 10 for this psychological mystery thriller.

P.S. Please never ever refer Ghajni in the same sentence as this movie's. Watch Momento and you'll know why I say that.

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