Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A riveting drama about some uncovered secrets: JFK

I saw a decent rating for the movie on imdb and decided to watch it. And was surprised to see a hard hitting, crisp drama about one of biggest controversy of the modern world. I must say, I envy the content and the amount of freedom that Hollywood movies have to those in movies made in India.
Freedom of speech is what those guys over there really have.

Anyways, the movie is a worthy watch. It keeps you glued to itself as it slowly uncovers the never before known secrets that lie beneath the surface, relating to the President's death. Kevin Costner gives a memorable performance.
The direction and editing are great. Sometimes the screenplay goes off the balance, but it recovers in no time.
A definite recommendation for history and mystery (:P) buffs. Also for people who believe in freedom of speech and the truth. Disclaimer: The original ghastly footage has been shown in the movie. The movie makes serious in-roads into the existing, stated explanation of the JFK case and bares a lot of skeletons that once hid in American government cupboards.
7.5 stars out of 10.

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