Saturday, June 18, 2011

Blasphemy! Sacrilege! i know these might be the words people might use after reading this review.
But this is my page and my opinions. So u can say whatever u like, the following is what I feel.

Average Movie: The Shawshank Redemption

Prison Drama starring Morgan Freeman

Guy kills people, goes to jail, spends time there and escapes. Morgan Freeman (though I feel is overrated most of the times) gives a decent performance. The relationship formed between the protagonist and Freeman is the primary focus of the movie. The guy had to escape guys! Anyways, one suggestion , if you have seen Prison Break do not attempt to watch this one, u wont be able to complete it. :P
Recommended for people who are die hard followers of IMDB and believe this movie could be the number one!

5.5 to 6/10 stars for me. Can easily evade this movie for something better. Coz mind u there are lots better than this one.

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